
85 posts

High Blood Pressure And Your Heart

Hypertension can wreck havoc on many body organs. Its effects on the heart are especially damaging. High blood pressure and heart disease are closely connected. Moderate to high blood pressure significantly increases the load on the left side of the heart. Arterioles are often diseased or constricted, which increases resistance […]

Heart Attack Symptoms

Heart attacks are something that can be inherited from others in your family or you can create a world where you are eating and leading the lifestyle that is going to lead to a heart attach. No matter if your parents have had heart attacks, or if you are leading […]

Helping Students Survive Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Right now, millions of students across the country are participating in physical activities at their schools – a basketball or soccer game, football and cheerleading practice or gym class. What if one of them had a life-threatening cardiac emergency? Would the school be prepared? Sudden cardiac arrest strikes more than […]

Heart Failure: Frequently Asked Questions

According to the American Heart Association, nearly five million Americans are living with heart failure and 550,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Heart failure is a serious condition that often is misunderstood. The questions below are intended to help clear up some misperceptions about this condition and its complications. […]

Healthy Heart Awareness

Healthy heart awareness is coming up in February. Do you really know if you have a healthy heart? How do we know? We only know after something happens. We always think it can’t happen to us. Having a healthy body gives you a healthy heart. So here are some tips […]

The Organ We Love – How The Heart Works

Being the strongest muscle in the body, the hearts purpose is to pump blood through our blood vessels through rhythmic contractions. To regulate blood pressure and volume, the heart secrets “ANF”, which is a very powerful peptide hormone. It affects the regulatory region of the brain, as well as the […]