Fitness Equipment

168 posts

Living Healthy With Exercise Bike

The popularity of the exercise bike among many exercise machines is that exercise bikes moves almost all the back and leg muscles of the user while riding. Resistance on the exercise bike can be adjusted to intensities that will suit individual’s aerobic needs from the gentle to the more rigorous. […]

Exercise Bike Benefits

So you know you want to buy some type of home exercise equipment – but why buy an exercise bike? One of the top benefits of exercise bikes is that they are probably the most affordable piece of exercise equipment on the market right now. Starting around $200 and ranging […]

Treadmills – Get Fit Stay Fit

Your exercise program could benefit from the use of treadmills. Using a treadmill provides a wonderful cardiovascular workout for your heart, your lungs, and your circulation. There low impact on your joints, which makes it easier and less painful to workout. Pregnant women will get an excellent workout. Its low […]